Rosemary Sanders Phelps
June 2, 1947 – February 23, 2023

On February 23, 2023 Rosemary Sanders Phelps passed peacefully from this world into the loving arms of her Savior and Lord. She was born on June 2, 1947 in Kingsport Tennessee, to Manuel and Dorothy Sanders. Rosemary was a strong woman of faith and loved by many. She grew up in Kingsport, Tennessee and was a 1965 graduate of Dobyns Bennett High School. Rosemary then attended and graduated from Carson-Newman College in 1969, where she met her lifelong love, Thomas Phelps. They lived in Kingsport briefly, but eventually settled in Huntingtown, Maryland.
Rosemary taught school for 33 years. First, at Central High School in Blountville, Tennessee; then Calvert Middle School in Prince Frederick Maryland; and finally, Northern High School in Owings, Maryland. She loved teaching her students and always spoke fondly of them. Rosemary’s prayer was always for her students to see Jesus in her, and in doing so, she lived out her faith in all she did. She was a charter member of Bayside Baptist Church in Chesapeake Beach, Maryland where she taught Sunday School for many years. Her favorite verses include Philippians 4:6-7; John 16:33; Proverbs 3:5-6; and Isaiah 40:29-31. The only thing she loved more than her students was her family and especially her husband, children, and grandchildren.
Rosemary is survived by her husband of 53 years Thomas Phelps; her three children Mary Susan and husband Chris Roorda; Tom Phelps and wife Karen; Ben Phelps and wife Mary; her six grandchildren: Clara, Andrew, Jacob, Hannah, Lily and Thomas; her brother Burl McCosh and his wife Shelly; and numerous extended family in Maryland, Georgia, and Tennessee.
- Funeral Service
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
11:00 AM
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
501 St. Jude Place
Memphis, TN 38105
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I taught with Rosemary at NHS. I can still hear the laughter in her voice as we met for lunch as retired teachers. She will be missed at our future lunches. My heart goes out to Tom and her children and grandchildren. She was truly loved.
Dear Phelps extended family, We send our heartfelt condolences to each of you for loss of to your wife, sister, grandmother, Rosemary. She was a wonderful person and will be sorely missed. I have fond memories of first meeting her at the kids’ bus stop and her friendly demeanor and matched smile ready to converse and take on the day. She seemed to love her grandchildren and was very proud of them. Sincerely, The Fuentes Family.
Lee and I send our sincerest condolences at this so very difficult time. Tom, you were the very best care-giver ever, and when I last saw Rosemary she shared how very blessed she was to have you. To all of her family, may your special memories help sustain you, especially knowing now that she is at peace.
Tommy, T, Mary Susan, Ben and families,
Bob and I are lost for words at how fast all this happened. To see pictures of Rosemary and Tommy smiling and enjoying O.C. to hearing she was in the hospital and was in ICU and had been intubated was hard for us to wrap our head around. We will miss her beautiful smile and her insightful comments on FB. Sending our Deepest Condolences to all. She is at peace in Heaven with her Holy Father.
In Sympathy,
Bob and Theresa Trott
To the Phelps Family,
So sorry for your loss. I went to school with Tommy and we have always remained friends.
I only met Rosemary a few times, usually her and Tommy where at church dinners or out & about.
She had a beautiful smile like she never met a stranger. They always seemed such a loving couple.
God needed her in heaven to carry out some of his work. Keep the memories close as she will be
smiling down on you all. God Bless all. My thoughts & prayers are with you all.
My entire family is keeping your family in our prayers during this time. Rosemary fought this hard for a very long time and gave her recovery her all. She had a heart of gold. She loved ALL of her family more than anything in the world. She had God and Tom by her side through this entire journey every second and minute of each and every day. I have known this family since the late eighties. Rosemary was my teacher each year I was in high school and of course yearbook was the best class ever (I also had her father each year). I am very close with Rosemary’s daughter Mary Susan. I will be there for Mary Susan as I already am. Rosemary, I know you are in heaven and I love you with all my heart. I am moving to TN in a couple of years and I will visit you. I will be right around the corner in Johnson City, TN. Until then, be that angel who you have always been each and every day.
My husband Jim and I extend our deepest sympathy to Tom and all of Rosemary’s family. We have known her since I was a student at Carson-Newman in the 1960’s. I have great memories of the fun times we had in our dorm, and other good times at reunions and gatherings in Maryland. I always knew Rosemary would be a success, personally and professionally, and clearly she has been. Her loved ones will be in our thoughts and prayers.
My condolences to the Phelps family. Mrs. Phelps was one of my favorite teachers at Northern along with Mr. Phelps. I had the pleasure of running into her and her husband one day in Annapolis not too long ago. It was so nice to see her. She will always be remembered for her kindness and her beautiful smile.
I’m so glad I’ve grown up with the entire Phelps Family in church. Rosemary was my English and Yearbook Teacher. Tom was my volleyball coach, Driver Ed and gym teacher. I’ve always looked up to them and as an adult am glad to call them dear lifelong friends. The same with Mary, Tom and Ben. I’m so sorry that Rosemary has passed. I had hoped we would have her here a little longer in this earth. Her funeral service was absolutely beautiful spreading the word of the lord. I know she’s proud of her husband and entire family.
The Dubas’ Family sends our deepest sympathy to the Phelps’ and Sanders’ families. I am writing on behalf of Frank Dubas, my father, who used to teach with Rosemary at Northern High School.
He recalls, how she was loved by all of her students and what an excellent teacher she was. He was saddened that he could not attend the memorial service as he found out too late.
We are sending thoughts and prayers.
So said learn so late of Mrs. Phelps passing.
Surely, none of us has ever met another person so selfless, loving, supportive, or generally more able to brighten a day (on purpose).
I’m sure she never knew the uncountable lives that she touched, directly and indirectly.
I’m very grateful to gave had her as a teacher and later call her a friend.
I pray that the Phelps family has been able to focus on the wonderful memories with a wonderful lady to ease their pain of loss.
Mike Emery
NHS ’90
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I taught with Rosemary at NHS. I can still hear the laughter in her voice as we met for lunch as retired teachers. She will be missed at our future lunches. My heart goes out to Tom and her children and grandchildren. She was truly loved.
Rosemary will be missed by ALL who knew her. She loved people and lived her life devoted to her family, church, friends and students.
My prayers are with the Phelps family at this time. Mrs. Phelps left a lasting impression me and influenced me as a teacher today! Jennifer Gable NHS class of 1997.
Dear Phelps extended family, We send our heartfelt condolences to each of you for loss of to your wife, sister, grandmother, Rosemary. She was a wonderful person and will be sorely missed. I have fond memories of first meeting her at the kids’ bus stop and her friendly demeanor and matched smile ready to converse and take on the day. She seemed to love her grandchildren and was very proud of them. Sincerely, The Fuentes Family.
Lee and I send our sincerest condolences at this so very difficult time. Tom, you were the very best care-giver ever, and when I last saw Rosemary she shared how very blessed she was to have you. To all of her family, may your special memories help sustain you, especially knowing now that she is at peace.
I am so sorry for this immense loss. My daughter was telling me that Rosemary was everyone’s favorite teacher at Northern. She will he missed by so many.
Tommy, T, Mary Susan, Ben and families,
Bob and I are lost for words at how fast all this happened. To see pictures of Rosemary and Tommy smiling and enjoying O.C. to hearing she was in the hospital and was in ICU and had been intubated was hard for us to wrap our head around. We will miss her beautiful smile and her insightful comments on FB. Sending our Deepest Condolences to all. She is at peace in Heaven with her Holy Father.
In Sympathy,
Bob and Theresa Trott
To the Phelps Family,
So sorry for your loss. I went to school with Tommy and we have always remained friends.
I only met Rosemary a few times, usually her and Tommy where at church dinners or out & about.
She had a beautiful smile like she never met a stranger. They always seemed such a loving couple.
God needed her in heaven to carry out some of his work. Keep the memories close as she will be
smiling down on you all. God Bless all. My thoughts & prayers are with you all.
My entire family is keeping your family in our prayers during this time. Rosemary fought this hard for a very long time and gave her recovery her all. She had a heart of gold. She loved ALL of her family more than anything in the world. She had God and Tom by her side through this entire journey every second and minute of each and every day. I have known this family since the late eighties. Rosemary was my teacher each year I was in high school and of course yearbook was the best class ever (I also had her father each year). I am very close with Rosemary’s daughter Mary Susan. I will be there for Mary Susan as I already am. Rosemary, I know you are in heaven and I love you with all my heart. I am moving to TN in a couple of years and I will visit you. I will be right around the corner in Johnson City, TN. Until then, be that angel who you have always been each and every day.
My husband Jim and I extend our deepest sympathy to Tom and all of Rosemary’s family. We have known her since I was a student at Carson-Newman in the 1960’s. I have great memories of the fun times we had in our dorm, and other good times at reunions and gatherings in Maryland. I always knew Rosemary would be a success, personally and professionally, and clearly she has been. Her loved ones will be in our thoughts and prayers.
Family, please accept my deepest sympathy in this great loss. I am shocked and saddened and at a loss for words. I really loved Rosemary. May the Lord comfort you in your grief.
Sending my Condolences to the Phelps Family .I was their Cashier at Giant in Prince Frederick.
My condolences to the Phelps family. Mrs. Phelps was one of my favorite teachers at Northern along with Mr. Phelps. I had the pleasure of running into her and her husband one day in Annapolis not too long ago. It was so nice to see her. She will always be remembered for her kindness and her beautiful smile.
I’m so glad I’ve grown up with the entire Phelps Family in church. Rosemary was my English and Yearbook Teacher. Tom was my volleyball coach, Driver Ed and gym teacher. I’ve always looked up to them and as an adult am glad to call them dear lifelong friends. The same with Mary, Tom and Ben. I’m so sorry that Rosemary has passed. I had hoped we would have her here a little longer in this earth. Her funeral service was absolutely beautiful spreading the word of the lord. I know she’s proud of her husband and entire family.
The Dubas’ Family sends our deepest sympathy to the Phelps’ and Sanders’ families. I am writing on behalf of Frank Dubas, my father, who used to teach with Rosemary at Northern High School.
He recalls, how she was loved by all of her students and what an excellent teacher she was. He was saddened that he could not attend the memorial service as he found out too late.
We are sending thoughts and prayers.
To a wonderful Teacher:
Warm summer sun,
Shine kindly here,
Warm southern wind,
Blow softly here.
Green sod above,
Lie light, lie light.
Good night, dear heart,
Good night, good night.
-Mark Twain
So said learn so late of Mrs. Phelps passing.
Surely, none of us has ever met another person so selfless, loving, supportive, or generally more able to brighten a day (on purpose).
I’m sure she never knew the uncountable lives that she touched, directly and indirectly.
I’m very grateful to gave had her as a teacher and later call her a friend.
I pray that the Phelps family has been able to focus on the wonderful memories with a wonderful lady to ease their pain of loss.
Mike Emery
NHS ’90