Mary Evelyn Pineault
May 11, 1932 – April 11, 2021

Mary Evelyn O’Neill Pineault, widow of James Martin O’Neill and Edward J. Pineault, died at Sunrise of Mount Vernon Assisted Living Facility in Alexandria, Virginia on April 11, 2021, just a month shy of her 89th birthday, from advanced dementia.
The youngest child of Howard Marvin Humphreys and Catherine Isabel Gott, Mary Evelyn was born on May 11, 1932, and grew up in Wallville, Calvert County, where she enjoyed being on the water, especially the Chesapeake Bay. She loved her older siblings: James Rufus Woodrow, Kathryn Eva (Harrison), Howard Vivian, Charles Marvin, Leroy Hutchins, Robert Lee and Kenneth Hoover. Sadly, her parents and all her siblings predeceased her.
She graduated from Calvert High in Prince Frederick, Maryland in 1949. While in high school she took on her nickname of “Mernie” which many came to know her by. After graduation she went to Baltimore where she worked part time at a toy factory to put herself through secretarial and modeling school. One of her first jobs was with AAA in Washington, D.C.
In 1951 she met James Martin O’Neill, also a native of Calvert County and an army veteran of World War II. Martin worked at the Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative in Prince Frederick. The two were married on August 4, 1951, at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church and lived most of their lives at Dares Beach. The couple had two children Patricia Tydings (Tricia) and Gary Martin.
Mary Evelyn held a variety of jobs during her life. She worked part time at the Calvert Independent, the Farm Bureau, the Soil Conservation Service, and finished her career as a full time personnel supervisor and budget manager at the Calvert County Health Department. She also held various civic roles. When Martin was Chief of the VFD in Prince Frederick, Mary Evelyn was President of the Ladies Auxiliary. She not only attended St. Paul’s regularly, but she taught Sunday school, was on the Altar Guild (where she could practice her love of flower arranging) and helped with the annual Christmas Bazaar.
She was widowed in 1974 and found solace in her many friends and relatives. She loved playing bridge and socializing. Through those friends, she met Edward J. Pineault (Eddie), a veteran of the Korean War and a representative of the UFCW. They married on May 6, 1978. She became a beloved stepmother to Debbie and Joanne. She took up golf and loved making new friends on the golf course. Mary Evelyn and Ed were known for their love of entertaining, especially the crab feasts at her Dares Beach home. She continued her community service and received service awards in multiple years for her volunteer work.
When Ed became ill, she retired in 1992 after 26 years of service to the state of Maryland to take care of him. At her retirement, she received a resolution and a citation from the Senate of Maryland for her “impressive commitment to the people of Maryland.” She was widowed once again in 1995.
She lived alone for decades, maintaining her home at Dares Beach with its beautiful yard until dementia prevented this. She loved Calvert County, but most of all she loved her friends and family.
She is survived by her children Tricia (John) Politte and Gary (Michael) O’Neill; her stepchildren Debbie (Mike) Lebkicher and Joann Haley; her grandchildren–who called her Nana– Erik (Carisa) Lebkicher, Kevin (Amy) Lebkicher, Lauren (Kevin) McCarthy, and Scott Veneziani; her step grandchildren Kristy (Doug) Decarme and Jonathan Politte; her great grandchildren Henry, Elliana, and Audrey Lebkicher and a host of beloved nieces and nephews.
The Funeral Services are private due to Covid restrictions but will be live streamed at 11 AM. To join the Zoom Service go to 5639 2406
Friday, April 16, 2021
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
25 Church Street
Prince Frederick, MD 20678
Alzheimer’s Association
National Capital Area Chapter
8180 Greensboro Drive
Suite 400
McLean, VA 22102
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To Gary, I leave my deepest sympathies. As children we played often in your beautiful yard and I particularly loved the Weeping Willow Tree. Your mom was generous and kind, always welcoming and comfortable, a lady of the first order. I have fond memories of those visits and understand the hardships of losing your beloved mother to dementia. We lost ours to the same disease just last May, Leah Belle (Sutton) Jones. Please accept our condolences,
Wendy (Jones) McQuinn and Vicky (Jones) Summers
Our deepest sympathy to Tricia and Gary, and all her family. Mary Evelyn was a very special lady, always so warm and welcoming to newcomers to St. Paul’s. She devoted many, many hours working for St. Paul’s. Her flower arrangements on the altar were always top notch. She will be missed by all who had the pleasure of knowing her. May you find peace knowing that Mary Evelyn is in God’s hands now. Jack and Judy Smack
Thoughts and prayers to you, Deb! I know how much Mary Evelyn meant to you and to your entire family. She was such a dear, beautiful person. May she rest in peace. As with my mom, we can live with the hope that their precious minds are now restored.
Love to you and your family!
Mary Evelyn O’Neill Peneault was a lovely lady, and her son Gary M. O’Neill is my dear, dear friend. May Mrs. Peneault rest in heavenly peace. Her children were devoted to her. May Gary and Trish rest assured they gave their beautiful mother everything she needed and wanted.
I met Mrs. Pineault for the first time in the mid 1980’s under very unusual circumstances. I worked with Tricia on the staff of NHS at the time and was commuting to work one morning on Dares Beach Road when I allowed my attention on the road to lapse and subsequently hit the car in front of me. The driver, Mrs. Pineault, couldn’t have been more gracious and understanding and was quite sociable, eventually discovering my connection to her daughter’s workplace. Needless to say, I was mortified, but she seemed happy to have made the connection. Suddenly, “none of the damage was all that bad” and she told me to have a nice day. Without a doubt, this was the most enjoyable car accident ever! I came away from the accident thinking that Tricia’s mom was a really nice lady and had given this relatively inexperienced young driver a real break. As mortifying as it was to crash into the mother of a work colleague, it was always a nice memory because of Mrs. Pineault’s kindness to me. My deepest condolences to Tricia and her family during this hard time.
Please accept the deepest condolences of myself and my wife on the passing of your Mother. I shall always remember how gracious & kind your Mom & Dad were to open their home to us rowdy teenagers all so many years ago. With warmest regards…
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Sending love and sympathy to Trish and her family. You’re in my thoughts and prayers❤️.
Deepest sympathy Gary in the death of your Dear Mom. Hope to see you soon in Dublin. Catherine and Caroline XXX
Love and condolences to the entire family.
Diana Dinsick
Such a lovely lady! Her memory will live on in the hearts of the many that have been blessed to know her! My deepest sympathy to Tricia and the family,
Anne Brinsmade
Our hearts go out to you both from here in Ireland at this sad time.
We wish you peace and comfort as you remember your mother.
Stephanie, Conor and Niamh.
To Gary, I leave my deepest sympathies. As children we played often in your beautiful yard and I particularly loved the Weeping Willow Tree. Your mom was generous and kind, always welcoming and comfortable, a lady of the first order. I have fond memories of those visits and understand the hardships of losing your beloved mother to dementia. We lost ours to the same disease just last May, Leah Belle (Sutton) Jones. Please accept our condolences,
Wendy (Jones) McQuinn and Vicky (Jones) Summers
Our deepest sympathy to Tricia and Gary, and all her family. Mary Evelyn was a very special lady, always so warm and welcoming to newcomers to St. Paul’s. She devoted many, many hours working for St. Paul’s. Her flower arrangements on the altar were always top notch. She will be missed by all who had the pleasure of knowing her. May you find peace knowing that Mary Evelyn is in God’s hands now. Jack and Judy Smack
Thoughts and prayers to you, Deb! I know how much Mary Evelyn meant to you and to your entire family. She was such a dear, beautiful person. May she rest in peace. As with my mom, we can live with the hope that their precious minds are now restored.
Love to you and your family!
Mary Evelyn O’Neill Peneault was a lovely lady, and her son Gary M. O’Neill is my dear, dear friend. May Mrs. Peneault rest in heavenly peace. Her children were devoted to her. May Gary and Trish rest assured they gave their beautiful mother everything she needed and wanted.
Mary Evelyn was so kind to everyone. So sorry she suffered through this terrible disease.
I met Mrs. Pineault for the first time in the mid 1980’s under very unusual circumstances. I worked with Tricia on the staff of NHS at the time and was commuting to work one morning on Dares Beach Road when I allowed my attention on the road to lapse and subsequently hit the car in front of me. The driver, Mrs. Pineault, couldn’t have been more gracious and understanding and was quite sociable, eventually discovering my connection to her daughter’s workplace. Needless to say, I was mortified, but she seemed happy to have made the connection. Suddenly, “none of the damage was all that bad” and she told me to have a nice day. Without a doubt, this was the most enjoyable car accident ever! I came away from the accident thinking that Tricia’s mom was a really nice lady and had given this relatively inexperienced young driver a real break. As mortifying as it was to crash into the mother of a work colleague, it was always a nice memory because of Mrs. Pineault’s kindness to me. My deepest condolences to Tricia and her family during this hard time.
We send condolences to Tricia and her family during this time.
Please accept the deepest condolences of myself and my wife on the passing of your Mother. I shall always remember how gracious & kind your Mom & Dad were to open their home to us rowdy teenagers all so many years ago. With warmest regards…